Friday, July 2, 2010


Ouch ouch & ouch is all I can say. Of course I really feel like screaming but can't do that as easily without disturbing the neighbors!

I am in pain, agony with itchiness, soreness, burning.
All I can think of are songs... Hunk-hunk of burning love, burning- burning disco inferno!

It started in the beginning of the week, just when I thought I was home free and clear. Just when I thought,"Wow I came through this pretty good" little did I know, how could I imagine I would be feeling this!

I can't sit, stand or even lay down with any sort of comfort... there is a fire down below. Gives new meaning to "Fire in the Hole"
Well at least I still have my sense of humor. Maybe that can cool me down.

Lotions potions, creams and sitz baths are my weapons, but sorry to say they are not getting the job done.
I have been avoiding pain medicine because I don't like the way it makes me fell but guess what- Percocet, Viciodon here I come!
I called the Doctor "yes, they said... this is normal." This will last at least 2 weeks, heavy radiation is still in my body doing a number on my colon and all surrounding areas, burning burning disco inferno!!!!!

I usually have a high tolerance for pain, it takes a lot to make me cringe and cry but tears come easily lately. I feel like someone is holding a blow torch to me. Fire ants crawling around. Well I guess I am giving you a good idea of how this feels and all kidding aside this is awful!

I am blistered and raw, oozing and seeping.
My mother thinks and hopes and wishes that this past 6 week treatment took care of the tumor.." maybe they got it all" maybe you won't have to have an operation" Well that is wishful thinking but this pain and burning I am going through now makes me hope that Yes they did get it all ... if not all they did a number on my insides-that's for sure!!!!

As I re-read this blog I am noticing a good number of exclamation points... I use them all the time but now I can feel the passion, the pain of my exclamations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!argggghhhhhhhh!!!

I had to vent... sorry...sometimes you just gotta yell & scream & holler and weep and that time is NOW!!!!!!


  1. !!!!!!!!!!!$%&*$%*()^@#%&)&+!, and that, too! We're all pulling for you, Susan.

  2. Oh my God~that is so funny!!! Thank You! that is exactly how I feel!!@#$%^*&()@!?><
